
12/26 15:00後~12/27 14:00,羽球場暫停開放 From 5:00 PM on December 26th to 2:00 PM on December 27th, the badminton courts will be temporarily closed.


一、12/26 15:00~22:00,羽球場1-12號暫停開放,系隊亦暫停使用,敬請見諒。
二、12/27 8:00~14:00羽球場暫停使用

In coordination with the Sports Complex Opening Ceremony:

December 26th, 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM
    1. - Badminton Courts 1-12 will be temporarily closed, and team practices will also be suspended. We appreciate your understanding.
December 27th, 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  1. - The badminton courts will remain temporarily unavailable.