113學年度系際盃女生組排球錦標賽因下午場地濕滑在停一次,比賽順延一天The 113th Inter-departmental Cup Girls Volleyball Championship was suspended once due to slippery courts in the afternoon, and the game was postponed for one day
113-2體育課選課注意事項更新特殊權限加選方式,請同學們至體育課程最新公告詳閱更新後的注意事項!Please pay attention to the 113-2 Physical Education Course Selection Notes Update Special Permission Add-on Process
For the second semester of the 113th school year, please make sure to check the schedule of each class and pay attention to the announcements about the physical education selection.(0214)
For the first semester of the 113th school year, please make sure to check the schedule of each class and pay attention to the announcements about the physical education selection.
113學年度系際盃女生組排球錦標賽因下午場地濕滑在停一次,比賽順延一天The 113th Inter-departmental Cup Girls Volleyball Championship was suspended once due to slippery courts in the afternoon, and the game was postponed for one day